Friday, March 20, 2009

Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Rengoku~ Lyrics and Translation + Harmonia download

Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Rengoku~
(When the Seagull Cry ~Purgatory~)
Composed,arranged: Akiko Shikata
Lyrics:Wataru Hano
From Harmonia (track #8)

Né regole Né comandamenti Né ragione
Neither rules Neither commandment Neither reason
In altre parole: imprevedibile
In alter words: unforeseeable

Ma succeed
But succeed
Cose spiacevoli succedono
Disagreeable things happen
E io ne sono la causa
and because of me

Ancora non capisci?
Do you still not understand?

Niente di cui nutrirmi
Nothing of which nourishing to me
Mi fanno morire di fame
They make me to die of hunger
Mi fanno morire credendo di poter prevedere
They make to die believing me of being able to preview

Pagliacci, impazzite in sogni dorati
Clowns, driven crazy in golden dreams
Sulla scena bagnata di colpe
On the bathed scene of terror*

Caricato l'orologio rotto
Loaded the broken clock
Anche stanotte si rialza il sipario della tragedia
Also tonight, curtain of tragedy is raised

Su, tenendoci per mano danziamo in infinita disperazione
Come, our hands is holding, we dance in infinity
Aperto il catenaccio, verso una nuova gabbia
Open the bolt of desperation, towards a new cage
Fino alla fine di una notte che non avrà alba
Until the end of a night that will not have dawn

Beatrice! Maga crudele
Beatrice! Cruel witch
Di belleza senza pari
No one equal your beauty
Beatrice! Oh! Di dolcezza capricciosa
Beatrice! Oh! The capricious sweetness
Mal potròٍ liberarmi dal tuo incantesimo
I will be able to free from your spell
Se questa pena deve durare
If this pain must last
Almeno una volta abbi pieta
At least have mercy once

Piena di pianto è l'isola cupa a deserta
I planted flood of darkness in the desert island(?)
Sul suolo si riversa inesaribile tristezza
On the ground flows inexhaustible sadness

Piu volte s'attraversa il dedalo della disperazione
Many times crossed over the labyrinth of the desperation
Aperta la porta sbarrata, ride la verità
Opened the crossed door, the truth laughs

Miscuglio d'amore e odio
Concoction of love and hatred
S'alza stanotte il sipario d'una nuova commedia
Raises curtain of one new play* tonight

Notte del giudizio
Night of the judgment
in cui ogni cosa e ridotta in cenere
Which everything reduced in ash
L'afflizione delle offerte sacrificali sarà avvolta
The pain of the offered ones whom sacrificed will be wrapped
Nelle fiamme del purgatorio
In flames of the purgatory

Numerose le trappole già predisposte
Numerous of the traps are already prepared
Il segreto delle streghe rimarrà tale
The secret of the witches will remain such

Su, affondate le unghie! Fino a farle cadere
There, sunk nails! Until making them to fall
Su, piangete e urlate! Fino a perdere la voce
There, you cry and scream! Until losing the voice
Su, fuggite! Fino a perdere il respire
There, escaped! Until losing breath

Sull'isola arsa dalla malvagità
On the island burned from the wickedness

*colpe can be ‘guilt’ or ‘terror’
*commedia can be ‘play’ or ‘comedy’, I’m not really sure, so prefer your own word

I translated it from the Italian, with the help of translator and some dictionaries. My pc cannot input everything but alphabet. And I hardly understand Japanese, I only do hira or kata. So if you find many mistakes and incorrect grammar, I appreciate the correction.

This song is crazier than the old version but less bass (I don’t really know what it’s called). In the beginning, its melody wasn’t so different, but after 1:52, it went to, humm more wicked? Reminds me of Kiniro no Chouso ~ Uruwashi no Bansan~ (maybe because of its wickedness). I prefer this version, however this is just personal opinion.

Oh yeah, if you wanted to download Harmonia, just go there or there (both of them included scan). I must wait another 3 till 9 days to get mine T.T

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Harmonia tracklist and AVE MARIA live performance

released 2009/03/18
01. 調和~風来の調べ~ / Chouwa ~Fuurai no Shirabe~
02. 遥かなる旅路 / Haruka Naru Tabiji
03. 軌跡 / Kiseki
04. 風と羅針盤 / Kaze to Rashinban
05. 調和~焔の共鳴~ / Chouwa ~ Honoo no Kyoumei ~
06. 埋火 / Uzumibi
07. レプリカーレ / Repurikaare
08. うみねこのなく頃に~煉獄~ / Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~Rengoku~
09. 調和~泡沫の子守唄~ / Chouwa ~Utakata no Komoriuta~
10. 久遠の海 / Kuon no Umi
11. アオイロ缶詰 / Aoiro Kandzume
12. 追想花 / Tsuisou Hana
13. 調和~大地の讃歌~ / Chouwa ~Daichi no Sanka~
14. 謳う丘~Salavec rhaplanca.~ / Utau Oka ~Salavec rhaplanca.~
15. Amnesia
16. 調和~Harmonia~ / Chouwa ~Harmonia~
17. Harmonia~見果てぬ地へ~ / Harmonia ~Mihatenu Chi He~

track 8 is the italy ver of umineko no nako koro ni, in her album in the same title based on the game in the same title.
track 14, utau oka~Salavec rhaplanca~ is the longer ver of utau oka~Harmonics FRELIA~, if EXEC_HARVESTASYA is about harvestasya (i believe in Ar Tonelico II harvestasya is mentioned, but i forgot where it is T.T), it is about Rhaplanca. I hope it's about her journey with Maoh.
track 15, amnesia, well, i barely know about it. I only hear it in youtube. will it be the same song? If you wanna hear, here it is

Shikata concert, Harmonia, is held yesterday. Of course i couldnt see it, only to preorder harmonia, i'm saving my money for months, how could i go to japan T.T
i dont think i'll find her video, since she dont have many fans. All i found is Ave Maria live performance. Her costume is similiar with Luna Piena live, and so is the stage. maybe they're on the same concert, is it HATS Music Fes'07?
there's a comment at the end of video. i dont understand it T.T. There's a song she performed other than Luna Piena or Ave Maria, if you listen of the background music when he commented. I never heard bout it!
here's the video, so heavenly...

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