as i search in google bout umineko game ep5, end of golden witch, which it's avaible to buy or not, i saw an entry about this single.
However, just couple hours ago, I just preordered it in play-asia.
Some said it was released in 18 or 19 August.
So, with the tracklist written, i opened that blog entry.
And just seen that already released its download, i shouted "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!" fortunately, my sis go on vacation, so no one hear my stupid acts.
I dont know which way they could get it since it hasnt released yet.
Im sure it was the work of the witch, beato-sama :D
(dunno which cover in the front)
This single includes :
1. Katayoku no Tori (or can say 'Henyoku no Tori) which mean One-winged Bird. The full version. It much familiar with the tv series in the beginning, and shows Shikata style at the end
2. VII maybe it can be read as seven. Witch style. I dunno what it tells, looks like Beatrice's melody. But judges by its lyrics, contain 'tears' i dont think so by remembered her 'Northwind and sun'.
3. Katayoku no Tori -instrumental-, with adding 'instrumental' in their title doesnt mean theyre all instrument music. Let says, karaoke version.
4. VII -instrumental- Nothing to explain there.
Since they all new to me, i still love the previous umineko album, especially 'Uruwashi no Bansan ~Kiniro no Chouso~' So Beatrice-ish. Now im starting to like VII. Sure her songs like witch spells. She is the endless singer ^^
And watching the tv series, I hope Beato's voice much like in that song's laugh. Im a little disappointed. But it sure nice to have tv series it~
Well, they drawn the characters not too bad. Hope theyll make Eva-Beatrice not too mature.
Back to topic, that download didnt contain lyrics scan, only the front image. Hope someone translate those lyrics soon.
And please if you really love Akiko Shikata works, support her by buy it. In play-asia, you can buy it with free shipping (well, they put the higher price at first, but it was worth if your area support their free shipping).
Im not forcing you to buy it, however, here or here you can found the download link. They sure awesome!
Well, this album complete our independence day~ I can relax before back to work tomorrow :( But Shikata's song will cheer my days :)
note:credits image whoever upload it, i just hotlinking it :) those image cropped, and im too lazy to reupload and resize them, so if you wanna see they full, just right click the image and open image in new tab.
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