Friday, December 19, 2008

Akiko Shikata Turii -Phanta Rhei-(BeatMania IIDX 16 Empress)

when i was searching download link of Hanakisou, I found a video with Shikata akiko in its tag. I watch this and OMIGOSH! a guy is playing Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress with Shikata's song. AND i never heard that song before!! But i know it is sang by Shikata-sama, i know her style!
so, i tried to find the download link, and i couldnt found it T.T, but zaaap, my brain is running!
IMEEM!! And here it is!!!

Turii -Panta rhei- - Akiko Shikata

i cannot download it T_________T my orbit failed! ill find another way
if the player dont running, you can go there
i hope she sang other songs in that beatmania gyaaaaa <3<3

and i found the 02jam version,

1 comment:

fenrir-v said...

\lagu akiko bs bt dance jg, ternyata selaen head bang dy bs dance XDDDDD